Maggie and Ted

Maggie and Ted
My sweetheart and me

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Walking in the truth....

I decided to look at my blog tonight and was so shocked to see how long it has been since I posted anything!  This is NOT because God has not been at work!  Daily I marvel more and more at His constant love and faithfulness.  Recently I have been spending a lot of time reading the Psalms again.  My eyes have been opened even more about how constant and thorough is His care for us.  He is our shield, our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, He surrounds us, He is our shepherd, providing everything we need.  Ohhh and I have been amazed to see how attentive God is.  He HEARS our prayers, He is listening to us.  There is no one on earth that has ever or will ever listen to us the way our God listens to us.  He not only listens to our prayers, but he listens to the cries of our hearts when we can't even pray.  There is so much truth packed into the Psalms.  Truth about God's sovereignty, power, love, faithfulness.  His character is expounded and extolled over and over.  This is not only the God, the only God, but this is MY God.  Oh how I just want more and more of this truth to saturate and permeate every thought and crowd out all the human thoughts and worries that compete for my attention and fling my emotions into a flurry of panic or distress.  Lord Jesus, transform my mind and renew it daily and moment by moment, that I might truly walk as You would have me walk.