Maggie and Ted

Maggie and Ted
My sweetheart and me

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Now you see you don't....

I have had the frustrating experience recently of working for hours and hours on History Co-op lesson plans for the year and then losing my work through a computer crash.  I re-grouped and re-did my work plus much more and went to bed late last night so happy that I had finally finished!  I am so very excited for all the plans I have for Cate and Amy's Senior year History class.  But my heart dropped this morning when I couldn't find my document again!!  I searched and searched and finally found it saved in the wrong file!!  I was thanking God for answering my prayers.

I was reflecting on how that is with my spiritual life is sometimes also.  One day I am fully charged and passionate and the next day perhaps I get pulled down by the pressures of life and my joy fades or disappears!    I have been praying so much lately that God would help my joy to just stay constant, no matter what is happening around me.  I don't want my joy to be an elusive entity that can't be found when I really need it!!  I also want others to be able to count on me to be a positive influence for the Lord at all times.  Lord, help my joy not to escape and be lost to me and others this day......

1 comment:

  1. I finally figured out how to get my comments on all my family member's blogs to publish again! :-) Anyway, thank you for this. I would love any tips you have on how to keep my joy constant and my heart steadfast. I get really easily brought down by the gloom of others, but I want to be a source and fountain of joy no matter what is happening around me.
